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Emergency Broadband Benefit Program


The Office of Broadband Development and Connectivity for the State of Louisiana is working aggressively eliminate the digital divide that exists in Louisiana by 2029, if not sooner. Addressing the digital divide can only be done if we tackle broadband accessibility, affordability, and digital literacy concurrently.

To that end, they are announcing an effort with the Federal Communications Commission to build consumer awareness about the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program. This temporary benefit will help lower the cost of broadband service for eligible households during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This program is first come, first served and the application period will open Wednesday, May 12,2021.

This program provides a discount of up to a $50 per month toward broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for qualifying households on qualifying Tribal lands. The benefit also provides a discount of up to $100 per household toward a one-time purchase of a desktop computer, laptop or tablet purchased through a participating broadband provider. Click here to view specific eligibility guidelines.

The Emergency Broadband Benefit enrollment begins May 12, 2021. Eligible households can enroll through a participating broadband provider or directly with the Universal Service Administrative Company using an online or mail-in application. Additional information about the Emergency Broadband Benefit is available at, or by calling 833-511-0311 between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. any day of the week.

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