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DEMCO - Highland Road Project Notification


February 9th, 2023 DEMCO 6743 Highland Road

St. Francisville West Feliciana Parish, LA

Subject: Solicitation of Views

To whom it may concern:

This is a federally funded project by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service. DEMCO contracted ELOS Environmental, LLC to prepare an Environmental Report in partial fulfillment of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. NEPA requires coordination with federal, state, and local agencies and other stakeholders early in a project's planning stages. We request your review and response to this solicitation, so your special expertise can assist with the early identification of possible adverse economic, social, or environmental effects or concerns. Your assistance in this regard is appreciated. It is requested that you review the attached information and furnish us with your views and comments by March 14th, 2023. Replies should be addressed to ELOS Environmental, LLC. 607 W Morris Ave. Hammond, LA 70403 or emailed to If you have any questions, please call my office at (985) 662-5501. Respectfully, ELOS Environmental, LLC Taston B. Brookshire Project Manager 607 W. Morris Avenue.Hammond, LA 70403. P. 985.662.5501 • F. 985.662.5504.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION DEMCO HIGHLAND ROAD PROJECT ST. FRANCISVILLE, WEST FELICIANA PARISH, LA Dixie Electric Membership Corporation (DEMCO) proposes to reconduct a badly needed section of utility line that is de-energized and provide upgrades to previously existing copper lines in St. Francisville, West Feliciana Parish, LA (Figure 1). Electric lines currently along Highland Road branch from distribution lines which parallel Louisiana Highway 66 (LA66). This project would connect existing segments to make a continuous distribution line to residences in the project area. In order to connect the existing lines, a new line extension is proposed: ■ The line segment begins at existing Pole 1, approximately 275 feet east of 6743 Highland Road. 16 poles and approximately 4,122 feet of line will be installed in an established right-of-way in order to connect the two existing areas and provide power exchange (Figure 2). Associated equipment such as guy wires and ground assemblies will also be installed. o Start Point: 30.9027, -91.4587 o EndPoint: 30.8947,-91,4539 Proposed work will be limited to the established right-of-way. Construction access will be from existingroadways and only minor clearingof herbaceous vegetation is expected. In compliance with 7 Code of Federal Regulations 1794.22 (a)( l)(i), DEMCO expects that this proposed project will be processed as a Rural Utilities Service Categorical Exclusion with an Environmental Report. 607 W. Morris Avenue.Hammond, LA 70403. P. 985.662.5501 • F. 985.662.5504.

1- LOS' htlp;&rr,...,,v,;cm/,i 0-----2-50-----50-0-------------------- W--•I 1••1 Feet Figure 2: Project PlanLeg!lna:-- Proposed Line, ~4,122' 0 Proposed Poles - Existing Line • Existing Pole--RoadwayW. Feliciana DEMCO Tie-In This figure was prepared utiilizing publicamd proprietary data. It Should not be used to establish any legal boundaries or specific locations. ELOS Emvironmental, L.L.C.,. is not responsible for any usage of this figure contrary to its origimat, i tended purpose. F:\Klt:\W. FelicianaDEMCO Tie-ln\GIS Maps\ERR\Figure 2_Pro/ect Plan

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----===:==iFeet w

t0-----4,-50-0 ---9,-00-0------------------- 11

· Figure 1: TopoVicinity Map


D Site Outline ---· Highway Parish Boundary - Roadway

LJCityrTown Sections: 86, 88

Township: 02 South

Range: 03 West

West Feliciana I


T is figure was prepared utilizing public and proprietary data. It should not be usecl to establish any legal bouodaries or specilic locations. 5LOS 5nvironmental, l.L.C., is oot responsible for any usageof this figurecootrary to itsoriginal, intended purpose.

F:IKLE':IW Feliciana D£MCO Tie-ln\GIS MapslE'RRFigure 1_ TopoVicinity Map

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